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Who is an ideal student?

 An Ideal Student

Everybody desires to become an ideal in his profession and position. Despite there is always room for development yet realism and perfection are the ultimate and very objectives of humanity. In this article, we would discuss who is an ideal student and how to become an ideal student.

Ideal Student
The traits and attributes of an ideal student are as many as there are stars in the sky count them if thou art able to number them. However, we will enumerate the most common and essential characteristics of an ideal student.

An ideal student is one who loves and values his studies. He knows his area of responsibility and identity. Being a student identity of a student is studies. An ideal student takes a personal interest in his learning and academic success. Moreover, he takes pride in helping his juniors and peers as regards academics learning.

Like an ideal teacher, an ideal student inspires by his well refined and polished manners. He also endears himself to all by his knowledge, sound disposition, and qualities of head and heart. Being an original and complete person he becomes an example of an ideal personality. He is a man of absolute honesty and integrity.

An ideal student is mindful of his obligations and responsibilities. Such good and optimistic students bring credit to their institutions. Indeed, they are the future and hope of a nation.  He is regular and punctual in attendance. He is absolutely conscious of his homework, assignments, activities rights, and social services. He is truthful, intellectual, honest, perseverance, kind-hearted, thoughtful, obedient, docile, and bold. He does not waste his time and energy on useless activities like playing all the time, politics, strikes, etc.

An ideal student judiciously utilizes his time and resources. Such students become ideal citizens, politicians, educationists, scholars, and leaders. He can share his problems with the teachers, superiors, and elders in a most polite way. He thinks before speaking and taking any decision. He knows the art of presenting and communication. He is disciplined and meticulous in his everyday activities of life. He remains alert on how to avoid a bad company comes that may.

Since procrastination is a killer of a man’s future, hence an ideal student always stays proactive and works steadfastly. Such students are blessed with big shoulders and take initiative. They are blessed with the potential to translate their vision into reality.

An ideal student does not bring disgrace to his teachers, elders, society, and country. Rather he serves his society and country as a responsible citizen of a state. Such students indeed help a nation to reach the acme of perfection, and glory. An ideal student can make society, the nation, and the land proud and his life meaningful. The country needs ideal and efficient students for her prosperity or overall development entirely depend on them.

Let me speak my mind about how to become an ideal student.

In this regard, the only course of action I recommend is to develop and maintain all the above-mentioned habits of an ideal student. I personally believe what could be perceived;  could be achieved. Nothing is denied to a well-directed toil.

Life belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

You are not supposed to blame your destiny and people for your failure. As nobody can make you fail or succeed either. You have to own your faults and mistakes. Success is not an accident you have to pay the price.

You can lead a horse to water but you can make him drink water.


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