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How to be an ideal teacher?


"An ideal teacher finds ways to influence action".

Becoming an ideal teacher involves your professional, moral, and character development. A teacher is regarded as a change agent and a nation builder. Theologically, a teacher is considered a father figure. He or she is a teacher of vital importance and prestige owing to his nature of duties and obligations, viz. cognitive development, physical development, professional development, moral and emotional development.

An Ideal Teacher
Indubitably, an ideal teacher plays an instrumental role in the process of educational learning. Since there is always room for improvement, hence nobody can claim perfection. A teacher also has no exception in this regard. Theoretically speaking no teacher will ever become an ideal. For this reason, becoming an ideal teacher suggests that the teacher has achieved such mastery or perfection in his profession that he or she no longer requires further efforts toward improvement.

Admittedly a teacher is a role model and a leader for the students or a leader of the upcoming generations. So, a teacher ought to be professionally and personally sound.

Attributes and characteristics of an ideal teacher are enlisted below:

  •          Professional Competency

Many educationists believe that the foremost attribute of an ideal teacher is his or her professional competency. Sound professionalism and mastery over your subject are essential to perform better. A teacher should be professionally competent in all respects.

“Incompetency is a form of corruption”.

  • Self-Confidence and Self-Believe
   One of the most effective weapons an ideal teacher uses to inspire disciples is self-confidenc. Self-confidence ensures self-expression as well which is essential for effective communication too. This attribute is key to successful teaching and learning.
  •         Good Teachers Are Strong Communicators

Communication is, indeed, a king skill of all skills. It is an acknowledged and undisputed fact. Effective communication ensures conducive and long-lasting learning. Hence, good communication is an effective tool for convenient and productive teaching. It is an effective weapon for overcoming your fear.

  •          Good Teachers Listen Well

Communication involves good listening skills. How beautifully someone has said if you are a not good speaker try to be a good listener. Without good listening skills, great communication is out of the question. Great communication does not take place when a teacher is talking all the time. Listening well is one of the most important skills needed to be a teacher. Therefore an ideal ought to be a good listener as well.

“Know or listen to those who know”.

  •          Good Teachers Focus on Collaboration

An ideal teacher is one who believes in teamwork and collaborative learning or work. Collaborative learning ensures creative, qualitative, and conducive learning.  In addition, the team works lands one on the land of success and achievements. Hence an ideal teacher ought to be social and cooperative with others.

·         Good Teachers Are Adaptable

Efficient teachers enable themselves to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the learners or society. The ability to adapt as per situation and according to the needs of the students or institutes is essential for the teachers. An ideal teacher should be ingenious enough to cope with any untoward situation or occasion.

“Change is the only thing in this the world that has been constant ever since the inception of this universe”.

Effective teachers need to be able to work in a persistently evolving milieu and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students, the resources available, and changing curriculum, practices, and requirements.

  •          Good Teachers Are Engaging

An ideal is one who can inspire and motivate the learners towards studies. Motivation is just like fuel, therefore it is essential to inspire the learners towards desired goals. It has been witnessed the teachers with better motivational skills surpass those who cannot inspire the learners.  

“Motivation refers to internal forces that inspire an individual to do more and to become more”.

Engagement with the students can only be achieved with motivation or inspiration.

For example, in kindergarten, an engaging teacher might be one who gets down on the floor to do activities with their students on their level. In high school, an engaging teacher may be one who thinks outside the box, adds humor to their lessons, and finds creative ways to bring learning into the real world.

  •          Empathy and a Sense of Identification

Another key to participating students and up their learning is to treat every student as a person, by being empathic and understanding to what is also occurring in their lives. It will help build a rapport between the learners and the teachers which are so crucial for learning. Because something that will be simple for one student might not be really easy for somebody else. It is equally pertinent to mention that the process of learning is different for each individual. “Everyone learns otherwise, whether or not it's quicker or slower than traditional, learns higher by writing, reading or hands-on. Lecturers ought to perpetually keep this in mind and perpetually pay shut attention to confirm every student is on the track they have to be.”

  •          Good Lecturers Have Patience

No matter what grade level you are teaching, your patients are going to be tested whereas operating as an instructor.

“Patience ensures victory”.

Whether you’re managing room behavior, operating with colleagues with totally different views or human action student problems, patience is one of the foremost vital skills to apply as an instructor. An ideal has always been a showcase of a high code of conduct and never jumps or responds to emotional outbursts.

  •          Good Lecturers Price Real-World Learning

An ideal teacher always teaches and promotes the learning or experience which will be likely to assist the learners in practical life. He or she as a teacher includes and shares such experiences with the learners to teach them life lessons and life ethics.

  •           Good Teachers are Womb-to-Tomb Learners

 As retreated earlier there is always room for development, hence an ideal teacher always looks forward to improving professionally, personally and ethically. One of the key skills required to be a decent teacher maybe a dedication to continuing education and a love of learning. Whether you’re learning a lot regarding your field, learning new ways of communication, or perhaps exploring the way to bring a lot of technology into your room, continued to expand your own data is essential to increasing that of your students.

  •          Classroom and Time Management Ability

An ideal teacher should be resourceful enough to manage his classroom and timetable. Without management of the time and class, the prospect of successful teaching would be out of the question. Time management is an important skill that contributes to and ensures our success.

“Time is what we want most but what we use worst”.

Concluding Remarks

In the light of the above discussion, it may be concluded that a teacher is a change agent and a role model for the students. He portrays the ideology and philosophy of a given society or country. Therefore, a teacher should be personally and professionally fully developed so as to yield competent and professional youths.

The above-enumerated attributes of an ideal teacher are just a glimpse, however, being a teacher I truly apologize I could not count all the remaining traits. Traits of teachers are as many as there are stars in the sky; count them if thou art able to number them.



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