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Productive study refers to permanent and conducive learning. The most important thing, productive study requires among other things, is your interest and motivation. Productive study, therefore, varies according to one’s amount of interest and motivation. Motivation denotes positive vibes and internal forces within an individual that urge him or her to do more and learn more. Mark and increase your sources of motivation and inspiration. Keep your level of motivation as high as sky. Work on your thoughts; Choose to be a person with guided and controlled thoughts. In fact, productive study depends largely upon your cognitive capacity and learning abilities. Education is an experience and change in behavior through experience is called learning. Learner and learning is a psychological process, hence, as a student you should know educational psychology of better learning. Indubitably, one can study even more effectively if one thirsts for learning and love for it. Education or learning is a lifelong process, indeed, learning never exhausts the mind.

“Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity”.


The only thing which can change you easily is your own way of thinking. Everybody is gifted with faculty of reasoning and thinking but a few people make use of this faculty. Thinking is an essential part of a wise man’s mental equipment. Definitely, thinking makes a big difference and ensures success. Unfortunately, thinking is remote and foreign to most people. Hence, it is advisable to develop and maintain habit of rational and positive thinking. Ever since readers are leaders thus it is recommended to cultivate custom of reading.

Causes of Unproductive Study      

There are multiple factors that impair our learning and progress in studies. Most recurrent factors have been enumerated below:

     Lack of interest and motivation among students is a main factor that results in unproductive study.

     Absence of purpose and goal setting in life is yet another element that impedes students’ learning.

     Multitasking also affects our learning and performance.  In fact, it divides our focus and leads towards ambiguity and uncertainty. Furthermore, it is one of the contributory factors which results in depression and anxiety.

     Procrastination and diminished will power make the students subject to be unproductive. Procrastination is, indeed, the thief of time and the killer of a man’s future.

     Students’ inability to concentrate and focus on the studies render them as perplexed and muddle headed.

     Lack of achievement and confidence in students impair mature and permanent leaning.

     Inaccessibility of students to most desirable and productive strengths like confidence, self- belief and self-approval breed uncreative students.

     Pessimism and suspicion among students also extract cloudy perceptions and judgments.

Recommendations and suggestions

For better and fruitful learning following is recommended:

      Law of interest and readiness is foremost requisite for being effective and productive in studies.

     Proceed from easy to difficult; from known to unknown; from concrete to abstract. Associate your previous knowledge or information with new ideas or objects. This is also known as “assimilation” of knowledge.

     Resort to law of association and similitude or difference. Identify and link information with some key figures, events, personalities so forth.

     Edward Thorndike’s Law of Exercise guarantees conducive and easy integration of complicated          and abstract conceptions. The      said law is all   about practice or drill and practice makes a man      perfect.

     Principal of encoding and decoding is recommended for ensuring clarity and to understand complex concepts.

     Formulate and maintain an apt schedule for studies e.g. early morning is suggested for achieving maximum output. Be punctual and consistent in your studies.

     Always have a realistic and pragmatic approach towards your study or task. Being a practical person ensures success. 

     Avoid distractions i.e. unguided thoughts, music, movies, games, chatting while studying.

     Solitude and serene environment is recommended for fruitful learning.

     Think like a responsible person which motivates you and inspires you. Motivation is just like fuel so you cannot afford it to be at low level.

     Be in a sense of competition in terms of your study. Realize the role of study and education in your life.

     Arrange your priorities being a student it should be study because identity of a student is study. Choose study as your hobby or passion.

It is hoped and expected that above highlighted suggestions if acted upon positively would play an instrumental role in order to ensure productivity. I am certain majority of the people might be familiar with said suggestions but most of them neither bother to practice, nor apply their knowledge. Again factor of being pragmatic is emphasized. And knowledge without action is at its lowest ebb. Always be optimistic since an optimistic sees opportunity in every difficulty while a pessimistic sees difficulty in every opportunity. Do not let yourself become a victim of defeatism.

“Time is what we want most but what we use worst”.

It is an acknowledged fact that time is money, hence, it is exhorted utilize your time judiciously and prudently. Accept your liabilities and take initiatives accordingly.  Manage your time and study plans. For your worth is largely determined by the fact how would you utilize your leisure.

Concluding Remarks

In the light of above discussion it could convincingly be concluded that only difference between productive and unproductive study is your attitude. However, there are some certain pragmatic factors and indicators that enhance better or permanent learning i.e. personal interest, motivation, self-belief, confidence to name a few. Since knowledge is legacy of none whosoever strive to it can attain it. Do not rely or blame luck factor as regards success because luck supports only those who are industrious and pragmatic. The more you work hard, the luckier you will appear to be. Nothing is denied to a well-directed toil; nothing can divert you from your set course.


Last but not least, your desire for success must be greater than your fear of failure. If you aspire to develop interest in studies focus on yourself. Have perfect confidence in your talent and latent potential: never ever doubt the very potential you are blessed with. Self-belief should be your creed and driving force in every walk of life.




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