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Showing posts from August, 2021

Causes of school indiscipline

What is discipline?  Discipline refers to the trait of being well behaved. Discipline is also known as socially and morally accepted habits, attitudes and practices. In its most general sense, discipline denotes systematic instruction given to a disciple. To discipline thus means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct “order.” Causes of indiscipline  There are many causes of indiscipline. Here are a few: • Emotional Instability   At an individual or personal level, the root cause of indiscipline and disruptive behaviour is emotional instability. If one can’t control or regulate one’s wild tendencies or emotions reasonably one becomes subject to be indiscipline.  • Favoritism Indiscipline may be caused by teachers who favour some students in their teaching and classroom management. The other students may see this as a sign that everything is allowed despite the rules. Other students may also see this favouritism as an offence against them which leads to rebellion