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Showing posts from March, 2021
  Road Rage Adnan Ahmad Introduction R oad  rage is an aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by vehicle drivers. Such nasty behavior includes rude and verbal insults, physical threats, or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver or cyclists in an impulsive effort to intimidate or discharge frustration. Road rage can lead to altercations, damage to property, assaults, and collisions that result in serious physical injuries or substantial loss, or even someone’s demise. Strategies include longhorn beeps, swerving, tailgating, creaking breaks, and attempting to brawl. Aggressive driving has   been and still is a problem on our roadways for a while, and it seems to be worsening with the passage of time. Incidents of screaming, rude gestures, and sometimes even violence are reported commonly on our roadways to the point where it has earned its own notorious name: road rage. Most Common Forms of Road Rage Everybody differs from each other as regards emotional stability and d
  Why is Education Important? Etymology The word “education” is derived from the Latin word “educere”, which means to lead and to educate. Its origin is almost as old as human civilization itself is. The very concept of education was in place even before the recorded history of human beings. However, modalities of education were quite different as compared to today’s modern instruments of education. The most notable methods of education were storytelling, folk tales, and imitation for transferring skills, values, or heritage from one generation to the next. As the cultures and societies began to develop they resorted to various structured mediums of education such as informal, formal, and adult education, etc. Education in a Broader Perspective   Broadly speaking education is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitude. Education plays an instrumental role in our personal and professional development. Change in behavior and attitude is also known as education

What is Success?

  Success in a Broader Perspective Some say true success is conditioned with your happiness... Success & happiness T he word, “ success” sounds beautiful and attractive to all human beings. It has got magnetism and charisma about it. Human beings have an innate desire and capacity to achieve and succeed. Needless to say, there will be hardly anybody under the sun who doesn’t want to be a successful person. Everybody likes and adores success. Success attracts success just like money begets money and love beget love. While we are on the subject of success it is worth mentioning the nature and meaning of success. The meaning and implication of success varies from one individual to another owing to individual differences vis-a-vis passions and aspirations. “Success comes in the manifold and diverse forms only you can define what it means to you” success The word success carries various connotations, for an instance, some people term success as the accumulation of riches while ot